The following script loads a molecule geometry from a file (a text file containing the element names and atom coordinates) and then calculates the closed shell restricted Hartree-Fock wave function of it.

from ct8k import *
from ct8kpy import *

SetOutputUnits( ENERGY_ElectronVolts, DISTANCE_Angstrom )
LoadBasisLibrary( "../basis_lib/cc-pVDZ.libmol" )

def main():
    Atoms = FAtomSet()
    Atoms.AddAtomsFromXyzFile( "../molecules/", "cc-pVDZ" )

    (Converged, Energy) = HartreeFock( Atoms )[:2];
    assert( Converged )
    print "Got HfResult Energy: ", ConvertEnergy( Energy )


The output of this script then looks like:

ct8k/examples> python

*** SCF-RHF-CS: Restricted Hartree-Fock/Closed Shell [Ver. 0.4] ***
Input -> atom set: 6 atoms. (distance unit: A)
     0   C: (-0.65935,+0.00000,+0.00000) basis: 'cc-pVDZ' ecp: 'none'
     1   C: (+0.65935,+0.00000,+0.00000) basis: 'cc-pVDZ' ecp: 'none'
     2   H: (-1.22619,-0.91163,+0.00000) basis: 'cc-pVDZ' ecp: 'none'
     3   H: (-1.22619,+0.91163,+0.00000) basis: 'cc-pVDZ' ecp: 'none'
     4   H: (+1.22619,+0.91163,+0.00000) basis: 'cc-pVDZ' ecp: 'none'
     5   H: (+1.22619,-0.91163,+0.00000) basis: 'cc-pVDZ' ecp: 'none'
Loading basis sets..
System information:
        num electrons: 16
        num basis functions: 48 (14 gen. contr. sol. harm. shells)
        num primitive GTOs: 110
        nuclear repulsion energy: 917.01085292eV

Calculating overlap & 1e^- Hamilton matrix..
        lowest eigenvalues of overlap matrix: (small->bad)
            0.00367455 0.0154379 0.0158958 0.0249222 0.026763
Calculating HF guesses for atomic densities...
    calculating atomic densities for 'C'/cc-pVDZ..
    calculating atomic densities for 'H'/cc-pVDZ..
Preparing integrator/integrals...
##Clock 'Integral Evaluation': 0.7618s
Kind of ready. Starting the SCF-procedure.
        Convergence limits -> Energy: 2.72e-07eV  Density: 1e-05
 #Iter.   Etot/eV         Eone/eV         Etwo/eV        Interpolation
     0  -2142.01610699  -4586.81177746   1527.78481755   DIIS: 0
     1  -2122.35083211  -4652.62624599   1613.26456096   DIIS: 1 r: 4.3490e-01
     2  -2123.52289189  -4637.76102864   1597.22728383   DIIS: 2 r: 3.9007e-02
     3  -2123.68592944  -4645.41322473   1604.71644236   DIIS: 3 r: 3.0940e-03
     4  -2123.53796848  -4644.09879686   1603.54997546   DIIS: 4 r: 2.7315e-04
     5  -2123.57319080  -4644.32034527   1603.73630155   DIIS: 5 r: 5.2206e-06
     6  -2123.57209080  -4644.28450780   1603.70156408   DIIS: 6 r: 2.7713e-07
     7  -2123.57163242  -4644.29468868   1603.71220335   DIIS: 6 r: 1.2716e-08
     8  -2123.57180919  -4644.29253907   1603.70987696   DIIS: 6 r: 6.7513e-10
     9  -2123.57180142  -4644.29278947   1603.71013514   DIIS: 6 r: 3.2725e-11
    10  -2123.57180424  -4644.29268006   1603.71002290   DIIS: 6 r: 1.8806e-12
    11  -2123.57180425  -4644.29269116   1603.71003400   DIIS: 6 r: 8.1221e-14
Found convergence limit to be reached after 12 iterations.
##Clock 'Average time per iteration': 0.03795s
##Clock '  Average time for cs-Fock matrix update': 0.03418s
##Clock '  Average time for Fock matrix extrapolation': 0.001497s
##Clock '  Average time for gen. eigensystem': 0.001863s

Lowest entries of Hartree-Fock spectrum: [ElectronOccupancy x #Id: Energy/eV]
        2x#0: -305.62348, 2x#1: -305.57490, 2x#2: -28.219770, 2x#3: -21.575263, 2x#4: -17.483021, 2x#5: -16.011425, 2x#6: -13.684664, 2x#7: -10.263784, 0x#8: 4.6661521, 0x#9: 5.5811698, 0x#10: 6.3657280, 0x#11: 6.5291721, 0x#12: 8.2866724, 0x#13: 12.723896, 0x#14: 15.692077, 0x#15: 16.686523

Nuclear repulsion energy: 917.01085eV
Final kinetic energy: 2122.4216eV
Final one electron energy: -4644.2927eV (Ekin,nucl.attraction)
Final two electron energy: 1603.7100eV (mean field repulsion,exchange)
Final total energy: -2123.5718eV (Eone+Etwo+Enucl)
Dipole moment: (x:-0.00000 y:0.00000 z:0.00000) e*A
Dipole moment: (x:-0.00000 y:0.00000 z:0.00000) Debye
Got HfResult Energy:  -2123.57180425

In the next step, additionally to the Hartree-Fock calculation, a CEPA(0) correlation calculation is performed. In this script the additional return values of the HartreeFock function of type FHartreeFockResult and FHartreeFockParams are required for the following calculations:

from ct8k import *
from ct8kpy import *

SetOutputUnits( ENERGY_Hartree, DISTANCE_Angstrom )
LoadBasisLibrary( "../basis_lib/cc-pVDZ.libmol" )

def main():
    Atoms = FAtomSet()
    Atoms.AddAtomsFromXyzFile( "../molecules/", "cc-pVDZ" )

    (Converged, Energy, HfResult, HfParams) = HartreeFock( Atoms );
    assert( Converged )

    (Converged, Energy) = Cepa( HfResult, HfParams.pIntegrator,
        Method = METHOD_Cepa0, EnergyThreshold = 1e-6 )[:2]
There are some options to control the calculations. They can easily be supplied by the optional arguments of the calculation functions (for example, EnergyThreshold=1e-6 on the CEPA-calculation here). Aviable options are documented in This script produces the following output:
ct8k/examples> python

*** SCF-RHF-CS: Restricted Hartree-Fock/Closed Shell [Ver. 0.4] ***
Input -> atom set: 6 atoms. (distance unit: A)
     0   C: (-0.65935,+0.00000,+0.00000) basis: 'cc-pVDZ' ecp: 'none'
     1   C: (+0.65935,+0.00000,+0.00000) basis: 'cc-pVDZ' ecp: 'none'
     2   H: (-1.22619,-0.91163,+0.00000) basis: 'cc-pVDZ' ecp: 'none'
     3   H: (-1.22619,+0.91163,+0.00000) basis: 'cc-pVDZ' ecp: 'none'
     4   H: (+1.22619,+0.91163,+0.00000) basis: 'cc-pVDZ' ecp: 'none'
     5   H: (+1.22619,-0.91163,+0.00000) basis: 'cc-pVDZ' ecp: 'none'
Loading basis sets..
System information:
        num electrons: 16
        num basis functions: 48 (14 gen. contr. sol. harm. shells)
        num primitive GTOs: 110
        nuclear repulsion energy: 33.699529404Eh

Calculating overlap & 1e^- Hamilton matrix..
        lowest eigenvalues of overlap matrix: (small->bad)
            0.00367455 0.0154379 0.0158958 0.0249222 0.026763
Calculating HF guesses for atomic densities...
    calculating atomic densities for 'C'/cc-pVDZ..
    calculating atomic densities for 'H'/cc-pVDZ..
Preparing integrator/integrals...
##Clock 'Integral Evaluation': 0.7697s
Kind of ready. Starting the SCF-procedure.
        Convergence limits -> Energy: 1e-08Eh  Density: 1e-05
 #Iter.   Etot/Eh         Eone/Eh         Etwo/Eh        Interpolation
     0  -78.7176450001  -168.562234430   56.1450600263   DIIS: 0
     1  -77.9949594320  -170.980871691   59.2863828552   DIIS: 1 r: 4.3490e-01
     2  -78.0380318373  -170.434584995   58.6970237538   DIIS: 2 r: 3.9007e-02
     3  -78.0440233573  -170.715798032   58.9722452709   DIIS: 3 r: 3.0940e-03
     4  -78.0385858917  -170.667493696   58.9293784003   DIIS: 4 r: 2.7315e-04
     5  -78.0398802881  -170.675635450   58.9362257582   DIIS: 5 r: 5.2206e-06
     6  -78.0398398639  -170.674318447   58.9349491797   DIIS: 6 r: 2.7713e-07
     7  -78.0398230189  -170.674692588   58.9353401653   DIIS: 6 r: 1.2716e-08
     8  -78.0398295151  -170.674613591   58.9352546721   DIIS: 6 r: 6.7513e-10
     9  -78.0398292295  -170.674622793   58.9352641601   DIIS: 6 r: 3.2725e-11
    10  -78.0398293330  -170.674618772   58.9352600355   DIIS: 6 r: 1.8806e-12
    11  -78.0398293333  -170.674619181   58.9352604434   DIIS: 6 r: 8.1221e-14
Found convergence limit to be reached after 12 iterations.
##Clock 'Average time per iteration': 0.03774s
##Clock '  Average time for cs-Fock matrix update': 0.03391s
##Clock '  Average time for Fock matrix extrapolation': 0.001377s
##Clock '  Average time for gen. eigensystem': 0.002004s

Lowest entries of Hartree-Fock spectrum: [ElectronOccupancy x #Id: Energy/Eh]
        2x#0: -11.231457, 2x#1: -11.229671, 2x#2: -1.0370575, 2x#3: -0.79287635, 2x#4: -0.64248921, 2x#5: -0.58840907, 2x#6: -0.50290216, 2x#7: -0.37718711, 0x#8: 0.17147794, 0x#9: 0.20510422, 0x#10: 0.23393620, 0x#11: 0.23994267, 0x#12: 0.30452961, 0x#13: 0.46759460, 0x#14: 0.57667324, 0x#15: 0.61321844

Nuclear repulsion energy: 33.699529Eh
Final kinetic energy: 77.997562Eh
Final one electron energy: -170.67462Eh (Ekin,nucl.attraction)
Final two electron energy: 58.935260Eh (mean field repulsion,exchange)
Final total energy: -78.039829Eh (Eone+Etwo+Enucl)
Dipole moment: (x:-0.00000 y:0.00000 z:0.00000) e*A
Dipole moment: (x:-0.00000 y:0.00000 z:0.00000) Debye

*** CEPA(0)-CS: Closed Shell Coupled Electron Pairs (Singles&Doubles) ***
system information:
        num core orbitals: 2 (frozen, i.e. no excitations from these)
        num internal orbitals: 6 (21 pairs)
        num external orbitals: 40

Partially transforming integrals into MO-basis..
##Clock 'CISD: K,K,k,J-operator evaluation': 0.3354s
Guessing starting vectors via MP2..
        Pseudo-MP2 correlation energy: -0.27331889256
Kind of ready. Starting the SCF-procedure.
 #Iter.   Ecorr/Eh        norm(t^i)       norm(T^ij)      residual
     0  -0.27331889256   0.00000000000   0.09980819442   0.12005653001
     1  -0.29865007783   0.00122444559   0.12238194411   0.03468514471
     2  -0.31081543524   0.00211162398   0.13853457228   0.01460499172
     3  -0.31372161155   0.00274818317   0.14533322586   0.00445311251
     4  -0.31444267827   0.00304773456   0.14906360688   0.00146221148
     5  -0.31453961948   0.00309139317   0.14990740891   0.00037599464
     6  -0.31461370867   0.00310409711   0.15025258915   0.00011804466
     7  -0.31462936896   0.00310466769   0.15033564351   0.00002936723
     8  -0.31463460126   0.00310475418   0.15035900364   0.00000966769
     9  -0.31463487121   0.00310465023   0.15036213156   0.00000254623
Found convergence limit to be reached after 10 iterations.
##Clock 'Average time per iteration': 0.3278s
##Clock '  Average time for residual evaluation': 0.3221s
##Clock '    Average time for K(D^ij) evaluation': 0.1888s
##Clock '    Average time for G^ij evaluation': 0.1178s
##Clock '  Average time for DIIS extrapolation': 0.0045s

Final CEPA(0) Correlation Energy: -0.3146348712Eh
Final CEPA(0) Total Energy: -78.3544642045Eh